home button是什么意思中文翻译
作者:放心测系统 发表时间:2023-10-12 13:59:27 浏览次数:39
相似词语短语hold button───[计]保持按钮;守候电话按钮
hot button───热钮;敏感问题
hunt button───狩猎按钮
off button───关闭按钮
to button───“收件人”按钮
snooze button───止闹按钮(指闹钟的)
a hot button───热按钮
home automation───家庭自动化
双语使用场景This pops up when you press the home button.───它会在你点击home按键时弹出。
App timer goes to pause mode when you double click on home button.───当您双击主屏幕按钮,应用计时器会进入暂停模式。
A home button. Bluetooth. No screen.───一个主按钮、蓝牙支持,没有屏幕。
The Home button does not work but lifts up to hide a 30-pin connector - so you can connect devices, including, oddly, a real iPhone.───主页按钮虽然样子货,但却隐藏了一个30针的连接器,可供连接设备,比如一个真正的iPhone。
The Home button opens a miniature computer desktop, with a background photo of your choice.───点击“主页”键可以打开迷你桌面,背景图片可以定制。
The 'Home' button for returning to the list of content on your Kindle is tiny and located at the very bottom of the keyboard.───用于返回内容目录的Home键很小,而且位于键盘的最底部。
Once the template has been built, clicking the Home button returns you to the deployment template editor home page.───构建好模板后,请单击Home按钮返回部署模板编辑器主页。
To get fast access, double click your home button at the lock screen and a camera icon will appear. Touch the camera icon and you are in.───要想快速进入照相模式,你只需要在锁屏模式下按两下主页键然后点击相机图标就可以啦。
To solve this problem, try holding the home button while connecting your iPhone to the computer, and restore to a newer version.───为了解决问题,请尝试当正在连接你的电话到电话的时候,按住HOME键,同时恢复一个更新的版本。
英语使用场景Tapping and holding on the home button will popup an application switcher.
Featuring an 'all-screen' design, the phone replaces a home button with a universal 'swipe' gesture that takes users back to the devices main screen from wherever they are in its operating system.
Here we see three ribbon cables that route to various functions, including the digitizer, OLED screen, and home button. Image used by permission, courtesy of Rapid Repair.
This version also fixes most issues with the PSP HOME button, thanks to a patch by Nymphaea.