get to it是什么意思中文翻译
作者:放心测系统 发表时间:2023-10-12 15:17:00 浏览次数:39
相似词语短语go to it───加油干;努力干;干起来
out to it───去吧
put to it───逼使
get with it───赶上时髦;留神
get hot───变热;激动起来
get it───明白了;做到
get lost───迷路;走开,滚开
get out───离开,出去;泄露;出版;n.(GetOut)《逃出绝命镇》(电影名)
get to───到达;开始;接触到
双语使用场景Now get to it!───现在开始吧!
He will get to it when he can, he says.───他说如果他可以,他会去做的。
You could only get to it by the bridge across the creek; the surrounding trees and the steep bushy cliff behind shut it in like a house in a forest clearing.───它,因为要到达那里你只能走过小溪上的桥;而周围的树木和背后森森的陡峭悬崖让它看起来就像森林空地上的屋子一样隔绝世事。
You can also stand on the pillar as it rises, but to get to it fast, you might have to take the fire damage.───你也可以在柱子上升前站到上面,以随之上升,但是你在途中是有可能受到火焰伤害的噢-。
I guess what I am looking for is a more of a dialogue about this. I want to hear more people's stories; let's get to it, folks!───我想我要找的答案不止于提出一系列此类问题,我想听到更多真实的故事;我们一起努力吧!
You'd have to make sure to bring the file with you, email it to yourself, or save it in a place you could get to it later.───你得保证文件带在身边,或通过电邮发送给你自己,或存放在以后你可以访问的某个地方。
My dog ate the report. Oh, you needed that this week? You're not the boss of me. Put it on the pile, I'll get to it whenever.───在未能工作时常用的借口:我的狗把报告吃了。噢,你这星期就需要呀?你我的老板。把它那堆文件上,我总是会做的。
Mike: Um, I'll think about that when I get to it. Just take a look at it, ok?───嗯,我将考虑一下什么时候我准备准备。你就看看行吗?
It takes them a short time to do, but it may be a day or two before they get to it.───虽然压缩的时间不需要很多,但是要等一到两天,直到他们忙完自己要紧的事。
英语使用场景He picked the crow bar off the deck and leaned it in front of him where he could get to it easily.
We'll overcome that difficulty when we get to it.
Don't cross the bridge till you get to it.
Do children have to cross a busy street to get to it?
The defibrillator will be kept where employees can get to it within three minutes, Weer said.
Without those who have used information in the past and know how to get to it again, information it-self gets lost.
My room is on top of a cloth-shop and I have to climb up a flight of dark stairs to get to it.
And the only way I figure we can get to it now is to dig a well by hand.
To try and get to it by going round outside the garden wall meant ploughing through waist-high nettles and clumps of bramble.