executive order是什么意思中文翻译
作者:放心测系统 发表时间:2023-10-15 11:54:26 浏览次数:48
相似词语短语executive orders───行政命令;总统命令
executive producer───执行制作人;监制人
executive officer───主任参谋,执行官
executive boards───执行委员会
executive member───执行委员
executive producers───执行制作人;监制人
executive board───执行委员会
executive officers───行政官员;副舰长;执行首长(executiveofficer的复数)
executive lounges───行政酒廊,贵宾室
双语使用场景You went to the president and got an executive order?───你去见过总统并取得狙杀令,对 吗 ?
The president issued an executive order yesterday that calls for boat people to be returned immediately to Haiti.───总统昨天发布了一项要求船民立即返回海地的行政命令。
Sec .9 . Effectivity . - This executive order shall take effect immediately.───第九节功效:这个行政命令将立即生效.
Mr Obama is now creating a commission by executive order, but its powers are unclear.───欧巴马先生因而使用行政命令成立了这样的委员会,不过这个委员会的权力有多大不是很清楚。
An executive order is a directive from the President to other officials in the executive branch.───行政命令是行政机构中总统对其他官员的指示.
And I was delighted that soon after, the President signed an executive order to that effect.───我很开心,不久之后总统便他们的努力下签署了一份行政指令.
An executive order will cover the scope of authority and provide procedural guidance.───行政命令将包含当局的范围,和提供程序性的指南.
Mr Obama could pass a lot of green regulation by executive order.───奥巴马则会利用行政命令通过许多绿色规定。
I'm assuming everyone here has read executive order 1066?───我猜大家都看了第1066号执行令?
This executive order shall take effect immediately.───这个行政命令将立即生效.
英语使用场景An executive order to revoke federal contracts of businesses that hire illegal workers.
Under the Reagan Administration, more extensive use of cost - benefit analysis has been required by executive order.
The longevity of a president's laws, regulations and executive orders depends in part on the legal challenges to them.
An executive order is a directive from the President to other officials in the executive branch.
I'm assuming everyone here has read executive order 1066?
President Bush's issued an executive order prohibiting cruel and inhuman treatment of terror suspects.
Cobbled together from 26 provisional decrees and executive orders, the economic-recovery programme is an ambitious inventory of investment and austerity.
Sec .9 . Effectivity . - This executive order shall take effect immediately.
Declining role of Congress, with government run increasing by presidential executive order.