degree on是什么意思中文翻译
作者:放心测系统 发表时间:2023-10-15 12:46:07 浏览次数:28
相似词语短语a degree of───一定程度上的
degree day───日度差
decide on───决定;选定
grew on───加深影响;引起……爱好
双语使用场景Five or so years ago Vuitton depended to a large degree on one market, Japan.───大约5年前,VUITTON在很大程度上倚赖一个市场——日本。
it will be nice to finally have a college degree on my resume.───我终于可以在简历上写我有一个本科学位,这真是不错啊。
Modern industrialized agriculture depends to a large degree on uniformity.───现代工业化农业很大程度都依赖同一性。
Feel like the absence of a bachelor's degree on your resume is forcing you to settle for a second-rate job?───感到履历里没有学士学位迫使你满足于一份二流工作?
The brokerage's sudden fall was a stark reminder of the fragility and ferocity of a financial system built to a remarkable degree on trust.───这家经纪公司的突然崩塌完美的印证一个事实:脆弱而又无情的金融系统建立在充分信任的基础上。
The shape of that future depends, to a significant degree, on the evolving relationship between the United States and China.───未来的希望在很大程度上取决于美国与中国关系的发展。
Whether listeners can understand new information depends to a large degree on how much background knowledge they have activated.───学生对输入信息的理解在很大程度上取决于是否激活了相关的背景知识。
the fundamental interests of the Chinese people to have any doubt or to waver to any degree on this important principle of our Party.───对于党的这样一个重大原则表示任何怀疑和动摇,都是不正确的,都是同中国人民的根本利益相违背的。
"I personally would like to see the equivalent of a Stanford computer science degree on the Web, " Dr. Ng said.───Ng博士说:“我个人非常希望看到在网上也能够学到斯坦福计算机学位的课程”。
英语使用场景Her own prosperity depended to some degree on providing loans to stimulate overseas economies in which her own products could be sold.
The university conferred its highest degree on the statesman.
Results The degree on self-inconsistency was very high. The mean scores of the factors on self-accusation and illusion were all higher than the counterpart in the norms of Chinese.
The effect of condensate supercooling degree on unit economy is analyzed and calculated quantitatively considering different connection mode of drain.
The answer depends, to some degree, on the effectiveness of those who have been active in the intervening years.
The potential function of deictic terms changes with their different references. The meaning of deixis depends, to a large degree, on the author's innermost status.
This depends to a great degree on the wideness of the spread between the mathematical expectation of number one versus number eight.
The risks of these complications depend, to some degree, on whether the condition is primary or secondary.
The University also awards an ordinary degree on successful completion of certain courses.