be made up of是什么意思中文翻译
作者:放心测系统 发表时间:2023-10-23 09:12:19 浏览次数:17
相似词语短语be made up───由…组成;被构成
to make up for───补偿
be made one───合而为一
beat up on───痛打
beaten up on───挨打
beats up on───痛打
made up for───补偿,弥补
made up to───接近;奉承;补足
read up on───仔细研究;熟读(以准备考试)
双语使用场景This chip appears to be made up of discrete platelets which have adhered to one another.───这种碎片看来似乎由彼此粘着的分散薄层所构成.
Any rule must be made up of productions.───任何规则都必须由产品组成。
A life worth living should be made up of continuous efforts and progresses.───只有不断的努力和进步,方能成就有意义的生活.
message can be made up of one or more parts.───消息可以有一个或者多个part组成。
The volumes will be made up of chapters written by authorities in a particular field.───这几卷将由某一特定领域的几位专家所撰写的章节组成.
This is because objects may be made up of other objects.───这是因为对象可能是由其他对象构成的。