arm in arm是什么意思中文翻译
作者:放心测系统 发表时间:2023-10-23 10:16:56 浏览次数:14
相似词语短语air arm───空军
all in all───总而言之;头等重要的东西
to inarm───是伊纳姆吗
up in arms───竭力反对;进行武装斗争
raise an arm───举起手臂
trailing arm───纵向推力杆,[车辆]纵臂
a babe in arms───涉世未深的人;怀抱中的婴儿
armpit hair───n.腋毛
双语使用场景They went off arm in arm.───她们挎着胳膊走了出去.
The two men started up the street, arm in arm.───这两个人挽着胳膊沿大街走着.
Along the river are several courting couples strolling happily arm in arm.───河边有几对谈情说爱的男女臂挽着臂愉快地散步.
She saw them, arm in arm on their doorstep.───她看见他们手挽着手站在门口.
Watching the old couple walking along the beach arm in arm gives me a sense of happiness.───看着这对老夫妻手挽手走在沙滩上,我有一种幸福的感觉。
They dawdled arm in arm past the shopfronts.───他们手挽手慢悠悠地逛过一家家店面。
The three of them were walking along arm in arm like the best of friends. "───她们出来的时候,三个人臂膊挽臂膊,像煞很要好的样子. ”
They went on arm in arm, very loving together.───他们手挽着手前行, 非常亲热的样子.
They walked now no longer arm in arm but, as she had desired , clasped together.───他们现在不是手挽手往前走了,而是象她原先希求的那样互相搂抱着了.
When our breath became short , we strolled , arm - in - arm, through our moonlit yard.───跳累了, 便手挽着手在月光照耀下的庭院里散步.
I often see them strolling happily arm in arm.───我经常看到他们幸福地挽臂散步.
They have taken to wandering through the streets arm - in - arm these days.───这些天,他们总喜欢手挽着手在街上晃悠着.
The new couple walked arm in arm into the theater.───那对新婚夫妇手挽手走进剧院.
We went skipping down the street arm in arm.───我们挽着臂蹦蹦跳跳地沿大街走着。
We went skipping down the street arm in arm.───我们挽着胳膊,蹦蹦跳跳地走在大街上。
We were arm in arm in this work.───我们在工作中同心协办,相互配合.
They went arm in arm, and Bertha enjoyed her happiness.───他俩手挽手地走着, 伯莎享受着极大的幸福.
He walked from the court arm in arm with his wife.───他和他妻子臂挽着臂从法院走来了。
英语使用场景The new couple walked arm in arm into the theater.
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