make the party是什么意思中文翻译
作者:放心测系统 发表时间:2023-10-23 11:59:52 浏览次数:27
相似词语短语make the cut───达到标准,打折扣;(高尔夫)(四场制赛)取得进入后两场比赛资格
make the gravy───做肉汁
make the fur fly───无事生非
take the liberty───冒昧;擅自
make the effort───付出努力;尽力;努力
come to the party───来参加聚会吧
make the dust fly───让灰尘飞起来
make the worst of───对…作最坏打算
make the bed───铺床,整理床铺
双语使用场景I've got to make a whatsit for the party. ───我得为聚会做个准备。
Everything cooperated to make the party a success.───各种因素配合使聚会非常成功。
It consists five Parts: Firstly, enhance team building, make the Party into a strong core of leadership.───包括以下五个的方面:第一,加强班子建设,把党组织建设成为坚强的领导核心。
At the end of the party, it's really up to you, party people, to make the party awesome.───在聚会结束时,这真的都取决于你们,聚会的人们,让这个聚会非常的精彩。
The most obvious is its baffling cast of leaders, who make the party a multi-headed pantomime horse.───最突出的就是它莫名其妙的领导组成,搞得人民党像匹童话剧里的多头马。
The PSD took only 29%, a resounding defeat that will probably make the party change its leader for the fifth time in five years.───社民党的得票率仅为29%,这次惨败很可能促使党首一职在五年内进行第五次轮替。
A criticism of Mr Miliband is that he is comfortable with noble opposition; that he will make the party feel good about losing.───针对米利班德的责难之一是,他和那些高贵的对手们相处时轻松愉快,这样一来,工党就会丧失荣辱感。
the recombination of the social environment of role performance-make the party's consciousness on and behind the stage unclear;───媒介对角色表演的社会情境进行再组合——模糊当事人前台后台意识;
英语使用场景He spared no expense to make the party a success.
Nobody had much money, so we decided to make the party a Dutch treat.
Sara Lewis' impressive recipes are guaranteed to make the party go with a swing.
No expense was spared to make the party a success.
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