without end是什么意思中文翻译
作者:放心测系统 发表时间:2023-10-23 12:09:02 浏览次数:41
adv.无穷; 不了; 没完没了
相似词语短语without cease───不停地,不断地
without demur───无异义的
without tears───浅显的,易学的
without fail───务必;必定,无疑
world without end───永远;永久地
without ceases───不停地,不断地
tight end───近端锋;紧经
双语使用场景Rather an end with horror than a horror without end.───宁要恐怖有结尾,也不要无结尾的恐怖.
Cycle without end, huiweiwuqiong, very sharp prominent personality.───循环无终, 回味无穷, 个性极为鲜明突出.
Take medicine , initiate irritated, cause diarrhoea without end, cause what can't eat.───由于吃药引发了过敏, 造成腹泻不止, 导致什么东西都不能吃.
Each human being has to die, but mankind goes on world without end.───每个人都会死, 但人类却永无止境.
Triple insulated # 28 can be without end margins.───用三根绝缘的 # 28线并绕的话,可以不留间距.
Somewhere an electric fan droned without end ( William Styron )───一台电扇不知在哪儿没完没了地嗡嗡着 ( 威廉斯蒂伦 )
He had trouble without end.───他的麻烦不断.
There, too, I saw many splendidly-dressed paroquets, that told the drollest stories, and the wildest fairy tales without end.───在那儿,我还看到许多打扮得漂漂亮亮的小鹦鹉,它们讲着最滑稽的故事,还有没完没了的荒诞童话。
While political debate without end, science made progress.───当政治争论还在喋喋不休时, 科学却取得了进步.
She had admires without end.───爱慕她的人多得不可胜数.
Hethe person will always love, without end without bounds, with all my heart.───他我将永远爱着人, 没尽头,没界限, 用尽我全部心.
Love without end hath no end.───情绵绵,爱无边.
This is how it was, is now, ever shall be, the world without end.───从前是这样, 现在是这样,将来还会是这样, 这是个永不停息的世界.
They discuss video games without end.───他们没完没了地谈论电子游戏.
This is how it was, is now, and ever shall be, the world without end.───它们从前是这样, 现在是这样, 将来还会是这样, 这是个永不停息的青春世界.
She had trouble without end.───她有无穷的烦恼。
Many think it will spread without end.───很多人认为它的传播是无止境的。
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