warranty card是什么意思中文翻译
作者:放心测系统 发表时间:2023-10-12 13:27:38 浏览次数:34
相似词语短语warrant card───委任证;授权证
warrant cards───委任证;授权证
warranty deed───[法]担保契约
warrant sale───认股权证出售
affinity card───慈善信用卡(一种信用卡,用于购物等以便为慈善性机构提供资金,每一笔交易都使发放信用卡的公司有义务相应地捐款)
draft card───兵役应征卡,征兵证
gray card───灰色卡片
jaunty car───快车
jaunty cars───时髦的汽车
双语使用场景Just send in the warranty card with a copy of your receipt.───只要把质量保证卡和收据的复印件寄过去就好了。
B: Just send in the warranty card with a copy of your receipt.───只要把质量保证卡和收据的复印件寄过去就好了.
If it breaks, take the warranty card back to shop to fix.───如果坏了,拿保修卡去店里修。
Do we need to send the warranty card for maintenance?───要取货时给你的送货单据, 便可取得年的保养。
Provides printing services of gift box, instruction manual, warranty card and label.───提供彩盒 、 说明书 、 保证咭及标签(贴纸)等印刷服务.
Please bring the warranty card with you and the receipt, if you still have it.───请随身携带保修单, 如果收据还保留着的话也带来.
You do not need to mail the warranty card Limited after successful registration here.───如用网上登记保养,可以不用邮寄保养卡!
英语使用场景The maintenance store location and telephone numbers are on the warranty card.
When the users need to maintenance, please show warranty card and state revenue standard invoice.
Consumer should keep the warranty card and the purchase invoice properly and show them together when asking for free of charge repair.
Provides printing services of gift box, instruction manual, warranty card and label.