insist on doing是什么意思中文翻译
作者:放心测系统 发表时间:2023-10-12 13:47:05 浏览次数:21
financial wrongdoing───金融不法行为
insider trading───内线交易
双语使用场景If you insist on doing something, do it everyday.───如果你希望坚持做某件事,那就坚持每天做。
If you insist on doing so, then we have to work overtime.───如果你坚持要这么做,那么我们只好加班了。
I am not optimistic about the appeal, but I will insist on doing it.───我对上诉结果并不乐观,但我会坚持这样做。
Clearly. girls did not eat breakfast is not a good thing. and eating breakfast is a really insist on doing good.───可见。女孩不吃早餐不是一件好事。而吃早餐才是一件真正该坚持做的好事。
The general assumption is that pain, then, to insist on doing a few days hurt the.───假设是酸疼的话一般,再坚持做几天就不疼了。
If possible, give them a lot of body contacts. But if the children refuse, don't insist on doing so.───如果可能,多给他们身体接触。但如果儿童反抗,不要强迫他们接受。
If you insist on doing so will only make your brain to the effect that account, and is likely to miss some important parts.───如果你执意这样做,只能使你的头昏脑账,并有可能漏掉某些重要的内容部分。
As a plugin minimalist, I always insist on doing things manually to avoid using and installing plugins.───作为一个插件简约主义者,我总是坚持手动操作,避免使用和安装插件。
She can see how the community is not enthusiastic, I insist on doing so, general manager of tea.───可见她对社区并不怎么热心,我还是坚持让红袖做总经理。
英语使用场景Insist on doing every day, month and the accumulated wealth always will be.
She's 85 now, but she will insist on doing all her own housework.