get life是什么意思中文翻译
作者:放心测系统 发表时间:2023-10-23 09:43:29 浏览次数:12
相似词语短语get a life───做点有益的事;振作起来;别呆头呆脑
get wise───了解情况;识破
new life───新生活;新生命
see life───交游广;见世面
sex life───n.性生活
night life───夜生活
city life───n.城市生活
good life───好的生活;舒适的生活;保险公司乐意接保的健康人
mean life───[核]平均寿命;平均使用年限
双语使用场景If she killed Dale she'd get caught. She'd get life in prison for a lying-in-wait murder.───如果她杀了Dale就会被捕,因蓄意谋杀被判终身监禁。
To get life cycle callbacks, a gbean must implement the optional org.apache.geronimo.gbean.GBeanLifecycle interface.───想回调生命周期,gbean必需实现可选的or g . apache . geronimo . gbean . GBeanLifecycle接口。
He could get life in prison, if convicted.───他会遭终身监禁,如果罪名成立的话。
If you take Prozac, it may be harder and more expensive for you to get life insurance, health insurance, or long-term-care insurance.───如果你服用三环抗抑郁剂,那你获得人寿保险、健康保险或长期医疗保险时会变得更为困难和支付得更多。
To start up the national dialogue and get life back to normal, the air strikes should stop immediately.───为了开展全国性的对话,使民众的生活恢复正常,西方国家必须立即停止空袭。
Cameron Douglas, 30, could get life in prison if convicted of charges that he sold thousands of dollars worth of methamphetamine.───如果罪名成立,30岁的卡梅隆・道格拉斯可能面临终身监禁。卡梅隆被指控贩卖价值数万美元的冰毒。
The men will be sentenced in April and could get life in prison.───他们将于四月接受审判,可能会被判终身监禁。
Have to experience first to die before you get life.───在你得到生命之前,必须先经历死亡。
英语使用场景He could get life in prison, if convicted.
Anyone who is antibody positive will find it impossible to get life assurance, should they apply for it.
We only dedicate a birth life, then can get life.
If convicted of conspiracy, Odeh and Wadih El-Hage, 40, could get life terms.
I think she should get life.
There's nothing like the birth of a baby to get life into perspective.
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