news review是什么意思中文翻译
作者:放心测系统 发表时间:2023-11-15 14:31:19 浏览次数:21
相似词语短语peer review───[审计]同业互查
rent review───租金调整
news services───n.通讯社(等于newsagency)
sneak preview───影片未公开宣布的预演;内部预映;试映
news service───n.通讯社(等于newsagency)
peer reviews───工作中的评估
rent reviews───租金调整
sneak previews───影片未公开宣布的预演;内部预映;试映
book review───书评
双语使用场景For analyzing indexical factors of the news review, system-functional grammar is used in this paper to study the information structure function of the news review.───为了探析新闻评论文体确立的标志性因素,运用系统功能语法,探讨新闻评论语篇的信息结构功能。
Economic review is defined as to give a timely news review toward hot economic news or economic issue.───经济时评就是对重大经济新闻或经济领域出现的热点问题、热点现象进行即时评说的一种新闻评论文体。
At present, the television news review is situating in the media ecological environment.───当前电视新闻评论正处于一个新的媒介生态环境中。
The news review team included a number of Republican conservatives in the famous people, including Sarah.───其新闻评论班子中包括共和党保守派中的一些著名人物,包括莎拉。
The installation works as a personal and surreal news review.───这件装置作品既是他的个人新闻评论,也是超现实的新闻评论。
And I think along with the development news review should also keep pace.───而我认为随着时代的发展新闻评论也应该跟上时代的步伐。
He was disappointed to learn the news. review ?───在得知消息之后他很失望。在得知消息之后他很失望。
英语使用场景For analyzing indexical factors of the news review, system-functional grammar is used in this paper to study the information structure function of the news review.